Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday morning

100 pyramid pushups: 40, 30, 20, 10 with 1 minute rest between each set.

3 mile run.

50 crunches, 25 flutter kicks

2x25 fast pushups.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


2x15 full chest knuckle pushups, 15 triceps pushups.

50 crunches

30 full chest knuckle pushups, 2x15 triceps pushups

30 crunches, 30 flutterkicks

2 mile jog

Monday, April 20, 2009


Navy Physical Readiness Test

60 sit ups in 1 minute 30 seconds
50 pushups in 44 seconds
1.5 mile run in 11:33.

I still need to work on running.  I figure if I can keep an easy tempo continuously (like say, a 1 minute 50 second 400 meter lap time) for 6 laps, then I'd have an easy 11:00 mile and a half run.  The run wasn't that bad; I've definitely gotten stronger.  Reaching the mile mark was a lot easier than last time, possibly due to different running shoes, and more than likely due to increased running mileage.

2x30 pushups for 110 pushups total, because I feel like I needed it.

Friday, April 17, 2009


This morning I did a pyramid set of 100 pushups: 40, 30, 20, 10

and I did an additional 50 pushups this night.

A 2 mile run in 17:26 with an 8:20 mile split and a 13:15 1.5 mile split.

50 crunches to top it all off. Saturday I'm probably just going to jog a mile or so, and I'll take Sunday off since I have to do the PRT on Monday.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


wide grip lat pull down 3x10@ 90, 140, 140
barbell curls 3xfailure @ 35 (30, 20, 15)
concentration curls 3x15@ 15 
seated cable rows 3x15@ 70
bent over barbell rows 3x15@ 40
hammer curls 3x12@ 30
3x15 pushups with 15' rest between sets

30 minutes of cardio on the crosstrainer burning off 348 calories.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Unintentional Day Off

I'm taking an unintentional day off of lifting weights and running.  I spent last night at my grandparents' house and it's next to the noisy highway. I got absolutely no sleep and was fine until 3 in the afternoon when I started dragging my heels.  Right now I'm absolutely exhausted and the last thing I need to do is make a mistake while attempting to lift heavy weights.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Barbell bench press 3x10@ 135
bench dips 3xfailure (35, 21, 15)
dumbbell triceps curls 3x15@ 35, 40
cable crossovers 3x15@ 50
one arm triceps extension 3x15@ 20, 20, 25
dips (8)
triceps kickback 3x15@ 15, 15, 20
44 minutes of endurance weightlifting
50 medicine ball crunches, 25 crunches, 25 ab crunches
20 minutes of cardio to burn off 235 calories

Friday, April 10, 2009

Calisthenics and probably a run

pushup pyramids: 30, 20, 15, 10, 5 (80)
20, 15, 10, 5 (50)

And I'll probably go running some time on the beach.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Calisthenics and run

1x50 pushups in the morning
1x50 pushups at night

30 crunches
30 flutter kicks
30 crunches
30 flutter kicks
15 crunches
15 flutter kicks

3 mile run in 30:30

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


lunges 25, 10, 10
barbell military press 3x25@50
lateral raises 2x20@ 20
calf raises 3x25

25 minutes of endurance weightlifting

Monday, April 6, 2009


preacher curls 2x25 @ 35
reverse curls 2x25 @ 35
barbell triceps curls 2x25 @35
bench dips 2x25
triceps push downs 2x25 @ 35
barbell curls 2x25@ 40
reverse wrist curls 2x25 @ 5
one arm triceps extension 2x25 @ 20
50 medicine ball crunches

20 minutes of biking at easy pace

Last Night's Run

Last night's run went swimmingly.  The new running shoes that I bought 30% off made a huge difference: all my times dropped.

.5 mile: 3:30
1 mile: 8:30 (I sandbagged the second half mile)
1.5 miles: 13:15 
2 miles: 18:30

My goal was to run 2 miles in 18 minutes, but because of my fast time for the half mile, I eased off to a jogging pace, and was still able to coast to an easy 9:15 per mile pace. On top of that, the front of my calves weren't aching, it didn't feel like my legs were going to snap in half, and I'm not nearly as sore the day after. It's crazy how much difference the shoes and insoles made.

283 calories burned

Sunday, April 5, 2009


dumbbell bench press 3x25 @ 70
incline dumbbell bench press 2x25 @ 50
one arm dumbbell rows 3x25@ 15, 20
cable crossovers 2x25@ 30
close grip lat pull downs 2x25@90
dips 3xfailure (8,8,8)
closegrip pull ups 2xfailure (6,4)

3x25 oblique crunches

34 minutes of endurance weightlifting

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Failed Run

I ran 1.25 miles today on the track. I really need new running shoes; I wasn't able to continue since the muscles around my legs kept cramping up. I'm starting to think my right foot is rolling inward slightly which explains all these problems I'm having. Tomorrow I'm going to Dick's and getting shoes that are meant for running and have adequate cushion and support. I feel cheated since I paid through the nose for the crappy shoes that I have now.

Ok, I figured out what the problem is with my shoes. They're New Balance 800's which are exclusively for trail . It's either time to figure out where trails are around my home, or to get some shoes meant for running on pavement.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


2x30 pushups, 1x15pushups this morning

30, 20, 10 pushups tonight

135 pushups total

30 crunches
30 flutterkicks
30 ab crunches
30 flutter kicks
30 crunches