weighted pullups with 35 pounds: 5 (3 unweighted), 4 (2 unweighted), 3 (2 unweighted)
dumbbell military press: 2x8, 2x6, 2x4, 2x2@ 60, 60, 70, 70, 80, 80, 90, 90
barbell curls: 3x6 @ 50
300 kick with fins, 5x50 sprints at 1:05 interval (I did them at 35-37 seconds), 150 kick, 3x100 pull at 2:05 (I did them around 1:35)
1.5 mile walk with 2 crazy dogs
11 pullups
2x8 commando pull ups
3x monkey bars
30 incline pushups
15 5' static squats